Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Have You Ever Thought?" by Wozlowski

Have you ever though that maybe our world is not what it seems to be? Maybe it is a ball of cheese and us "humans" are mice trying to find our meal. Or maybe, just maybe, our world is controlled by another!

How do we know if our planet is not just some video game to a random child? Us humans play games like Sims and we create worlds of our own. Our world may just be some child's "Sims".
This "child" could be controlling all of our thoughts and actions. He could be pressing one button after another controlling each and every one of us. Our minds could be his controller making us think whatever he wants. For example, look at how women get moody. Maybe it is this "child" turning us that way.

High-school teenagers change their mind about what they like and do not like all the time. Is it possible it is this "child" changing his ideas on the way he would like the teens to be? How do we know? Is this possible?

"A Happy World?" by bizel

I often wonder what the world would be like if everyone was rich--no poverty, everyone happy. Or would they be? If everyone had money, there wouldn't be anything to make someone different or extraordinary.

If you had an unlimited amount of money what would you do? Talk about anything that is humanly possible: go on vacation, buy a mansion. What would you do that makes you so different from everyone else?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"English 9 Honors" by TB3

Before the month of February, Geist's essay workload was somewhat acceptable for the English 9 Honors class. she would give us an occasional essay every other week. But for the past few weeks we have been getting pummeled by essay after essay, and on top of that, projects. It is becoming hard to even keep up, and get good grades because Geist grades so harshly. I have recently concluded that an eighty percent on one of her essays would be easily a one-hundred and fifty with any other teacher.

If you feel that Geist is working us too hard, as I do, please discuss it. You may also include what you want to do or what you would like to do.

What Do You Think About the Seniors?

I know you all still have another three years ahead of you, but believe me, those three years will f-l-y by.

Are you excited to become a Senior? Do you see a certain attitude among them? Do you think you will change during your time in high school? What do you think of the current seniors? Do they still scare you now that you have been in school for seven months?

I Can See Into the Future (Okay, Not Really)

I had a conversation with a friend of mine and I was complaining to her (shocker) that I did not know what was going to happen in ten years.

I don't (yeah, yeah Curse Word) know about you, but I would absolutely want to know about the future. Will I live my dream of living in Scotland for a year? Will I ever move away from the city?

If you knew the world was going to end in 2012, would you live your life differently? Would you go to college? Would you travel? What would you do?

If you could know the future, would you want to know it?

Okay, there are many questions to answer here, so have fun!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Happy St. Patty's Day!

Once you have completed your Vocab Test answer all of the posts on this page.

My personal favorite is "ENGLISH IS LIKE A(N)..." IT IS NEAR THE BOTTOM OF THE BLOG.

Have fun with the posts--be thorough! Be interesting! Be you!

SUPER Powers

So if you had one SUPER Power, what would it be? (Do not be a cheater that says, "My SUPER Power would be that I had all SUPER Powers!" That is lame-o so come up with one on your own!

I would tell you mine, but it is a bit morbid--not in an obsessed-with-death kind of way, but I think I would want a power like the one the angel has in It's a Wonderful Life. You know, where the guy's life is wiped clean from the earth as if he never existed. Well, I want to do that. Weird?

What Are You Reading These Days?

I know many of you read outside of the novels you are required to read for class. I was wondering what are you reading these days? Anything good that you would recommend to your classmates (and to me!)?

I am reading Madame Bovary and so far I like it. Madame Bovary is about this girl who has romaticized her life to the point that she cannot be happy with the one she has now. She is actually an unlikeable character but I feel like I can relate to her.

Next on my list is Looking for Alaska. I will let you know what I think!

"Pets" by my friend Jill

My friend Andrea put me up to this and I teach second graders so um, have fun with this one.

I have a black pug named Geno. My husband and I spoil him and treat him like he's a human boy. He sleeps in our bed, we take him everywhere, we dress him up for Halloween and we celebrate his birthday. (We put him in a Scooby Doo party hat.)

Is this weird? Are your pets part of your family and what do you do to spoil your pets?

Sunday, January 20, 2008


If you have any questions regarding your Midterm Extravaganza!, post them here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Now that the Midterm is over**, what are your thoughts?

Please be thorough. I do change assignments year to year from the comments students give! (That does not mean you can say, "Make it longer and harder so they have to suffer!") =)

**Well, it is almost over. You still have to present when we get back from Regents break.

By the way, have a great break. While you are sleeping in, I will be grading essays after essays after essays after...

Throwin' It Out There

I like the idea of having "Guest Post-ers" post on our Blog. (You will notice one already; EmiliyBemily has posted her thoughts on "Imperfection" earlier in the week.)

I want you to consider what you will write about (because all of you will eventually write one). There is no choice in the matter. I am toying with the idea that on the week you write your post -and I post it- you can waiver your journal assignment for the week.

Respond if you have questions, comments, concerns.

I've Lost My Senses!!

If you could get rid of one of your five senses, which one would you get rid of?

Sight? Taste? Touch? Smell? Hearing?

I have no idea which one I would give up. I think I would get give up Taste. I love food waaay too much so I think that would be the healthiest option. Hmmm, or maybe Smell. (Have you ever gotten a whiff of something absolutely terrible that your only reaction is to gag?)

Who Needs Electricity?--Seriously

Honestly, if a bum from off the streets of Munich asked me to marry him and live there, I would. If a poor haberdasher asked me to move to Pittsburgh and help him sell his goods, I would. (Now that I think about it, those are two very opposite places.)

My dream home in Munich or Pittsburgh would be fully solar-funtional, it would be 100% natural (electricity? overrated), I would have my own garden complete with organic vegetables (as my neighbors would provide the free-range cattle and poultry), and I would not own a vehicle.

Where would you live? Describe your dream home and what it would be like.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


...SWEATER VEST because it keeps a person warm and is oh-so-trendy.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Imperfection--by EmilyBemily

It seems to me that everybody these days attempts to be perfect. Perfection is merely a word, but in my opinion, it never exists. Everybody has opinions, and because of this nothing can ever be perfect (but of course, that is only my opinion). While you may think something is perfect, the person next to you may think otherwise, and therefore nothing can be perfect - right?
Tell me this:
- Do you strive to be perfect? It is not a crime if you do!

- Who do you consider perfect in your life? Why?

Give me your views on perfection and imperfection. Just remember, if you are not perfect, then you are perfect in the world of imperfection. =] Think about that!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Discuss the main character of your novel. What characteristics and qualities does this person possess? What makes him or her real? Is s/he realistic?

Talk about your character. What does s/he have to go through?

Interesting Thought

When is it okay to give up? Is it ever okay?

Talk to me. Give me some examples. I expect some rather good discussion here.

Movie Madness

Recently I have seen a slew of movies. Before P.S. I Love You came out, my friend got some free tickets to see the film before it was released to the public. (Sneak Previews are great because if the movie is terrible, the show was free anyway.) She sobbed through the entire movie while I was trying not to drown in the ocean of sappy clichés. (For those of you that are going to go see it, watch out for the flashback scene where they first meet. It's hysterical and yet poorly edited.) I would not recommend it.

I saw Sweeney Todd and being a huge Tim Burton fan, this movie was great. It is a musical (and yes, Johnny Depp does sing--quite well, actually) so do not get up and walk out because it was not what you thought it was. I really enjoyed it.

I do not know why I was dragged to see the sequel to National Treasure, but I was. The only redeeming factor in the entire movie is Nicholas Cage's quirky (and ever-so-adorable) sidekick, Reilly.

Your post should be a bit on the longer side. What movies have you seen lately that you would recommend? What movie(s) are your favorite? What movies have you seen and hated (and wanted to stab out your eyes after seeing)?

Geist's Top 5s

Here are my lists of Top 5:

1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. Beetlejuice
3. Labyrinth
4. Boondock Saints
5. Shrek

1. Beatles of course!!
2. Our Lady Peace
3. Modest Mouse/The White Stripes
4. LCD Soundsystem
5. Feist

1. Pizza
2. Mashed potatos and meatloaf
3. Piragi
4. Ambrosia
5. Orange Jello

1. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
2. Anything by Shakespeare or Hemingway
3. Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
4. Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud
5. Tomcat in Love by Tim O'Brien

1. Black
2. Sage Green
3. Cappaccino
4. Caribbean water blue
5. black

1. The Notebook
2. Encino Man
3. Gramma's Boy
4. Anchor Man
5. Eragon
**Here is no less than 12 hours of my life I will NEVER get back.

Respond/comment against my Top 5, make your own list, you know, whatever. Just comment. Make it a long one.

I am trying to come up with a list of what I say the most...any suggestions?

Discussion For-Ummmm?

What I am gathering is that (mostly) everyone enjoyed the debates. Is this something that you would like incorporated into class more often? (Obviously we would not spend as much time on it, as it was rather time consuming, but would you be interested?)

I also thought we could have discussion days. On Fridays (or on whichever said day) we could spend 15 minutes or so discussing topics that range from capital punishment to pop culture to the next presidential campaign.

Any takers?

Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the screen to find more posts. Respond so that you are writing roughly a paragraph--one that allows people to respond back to you in a detailed manner! =)

Also, there are some posts in December (on the right side of your screen) to which I would like you to respond!

Friday, January 4, 2008

How Is Your Novel Going?

Give the name of your book (and the author if you remember). Italicize the title.

Talk a little bit about what is going on in the novel. Would you recommend it?

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

This old writer is dying. She is a recluse and refuses to tell reporters anything truthful about her life. (So far she has a running total of no less than 19 birth stories--all conflicting.) She employs the owner (another observer rather than participator in life) of a book store to stay with her in her house in the English countryside where she begins the tale of her life.

I would absolutely recommend it. It is riveting. I know I am not doing it justice with this little blurb here, but in all honesty, I hate going to sleep because I want to read it all night!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!

I guess I fall into the category of "I make resolutions and then never follow through with them." I will be gung-ho about starting off the year in a great way and then January 2nd rolls around and I am asking, "What's the special at Burger King?" (Not really, but you get the point.)

Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? Do you follow through with them? And why is it, that it is so easy to "fall off the wagon"?

Debate--Your Thoughts

First I want to tell you that everyone did an amazing job with the debate. Though I did not expect it to go on for as long as it did, I was impressed.

I would like to hear your thoughts.

How do you feel the debate went? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?